
In Movie Theaters This Weekend

When a new Star Wars film hits theaters there’s really no other movie that stands a chance at the box office.  However, those that try are usually a nice option for when you can’t get tickets to see what happened in a galaxy far away… Here’s what’s, also, out for you to check out this weekend. – Eric


Based on a real scandal, I found this one to be really fascinating.  Although it happened in the recent past and made plenty of headlines, I always wondered how true or accurate the behind the scenes stories really are.  Regardless, Bombshell’s cast of three outstanding lead actresses deliver a most impressive telling of this story.  And the transformation, somehow, of Charlize Theron into Megan Kelly was, in a word… WoW.  Although it didn’t completely pack the punch I think the studio hoped for, it’s still one worth watching.


Not that I’m the biggest fan of musicals, except for Phantom Of The Opera, I’ve never had much desire to sit down and watch one.  But since Andrew Lloyd Weber was the man behind Phantom, and the man behind Cats, I’ve had a small curiosity to see it.  Maybe I should have seen on the stage and not the big screen, cause it didn’t take long for me to want this big screen adaptation to be over.  Being very picky with special effects, the C.G.I. costumes were horrible.  Not to mention how the green screen background didn’t blend well with the characters during their performances.  The only positive thing about Cats is Jennifer Hudson.  Although she wasn’t a big part of the movie, but her performance of the classic, Memories, was the only real highlight.

A Hidden Life

Every year I watch more than 100 movies.  Some are good and most are bad. Then there are some that are neither.  I like to say they’re not my cup of tea.  A Hidden Life is one of those cups.  Based on the real story of an Austrian farmer and devout Catholic, Franz Jagerstatter, who refused to fight for the Nazis during World War II, even in the face of his own execution.  Personally, this just seemed to move too slow for me.  Mix that in with all the soft spoken dialog and I tend to lose interest quickly.  The cinematography was some of the best I’ve seen all year.  But that doesn’t tend to make a movie, for me, any more interesting.  This is one of those films you have to see for yourself and be the judge.  To see it though, know that it is playing exclusively this weekend only at the Harkins Camelview At Fashion Square Mall.